Chris Neilan is a screenwriter, author and filmmaker who is interested in unconventional storytelling, counter-cultural approaches, intimacy, tenderness and truth.
Chris Neilan is a screenwriter, author and filmmaker who is interested in unconventional storytelling, counter-cultural approaches, intimacy, tenderness and truth.
Chris Neilan is a screenwriter, author and filmmaker who is interested in unconventional storytelling, counter-cultural approaches, intimacy, tenderness and truth.
Chris Neilan is a screenwriter, author and filmmaker who is interested in unconventional storytelling, counter-cultural approaches, intimacy, tenderness and truth.
Chris Neilan is a screenwriter, author and filmmaker who is interested in unconventional storytelling, counter-cultural approaches, intimacy, tenderness and truth.
Chris Neilan is a screenwriter, author and filmmaker who is interested in unconventional storytelling, counter-cultural approaches, intimacy, tenderness and truth.
Chris Neilan is a screenwriter, author and filmmaker who is interested in unconventional storytelling, counter-cultural approaches, intimacy, tenderness and truth.
Chris Neilan is a screenwriter, author and filmmaker who is interested in unconventional storytelling, counter-cultural approaches, intimacy, tenderness and truth.
'Chris Neilan has provided a meticulously
researched and highly readable wrecking
ball aimed directly at the flawed, creativity-
deadening screenwriting models that have
dominated screenwriting discourse and
practice for more than forty years.'
- Paul Gulino, author of Screenwriting: the
Sequence Approach
'Chris Neilan vigorously interrogates the
received wisdom and sets out a range of
structural alternatives to the Hollywood
template. A striking new voice in the study of screenwriting.'
- Linda Aronson, author of The 21st Century Screenplay
Beyond the Monoplot: How to Write Unconventional Films (and Why We Should) (2025). Bloomsbury.
Chapters & Articles:
'A Reverie', original screenplay published as creative research artefact in Sightlines, online journal of ASPERA, issue 3 (2021):
Film Reviews:
'A Story of Bones review: unearthing colonial crimes' (2024), Sight and Sound.
'The 19th Busan International Film Festival' (2014), Film International (online).
‘Busan International Film Festival, 2-12 October 2013’ (2013), Film International, 11 (6), pp89-92. Intellect Books.
Video Essays:
Conferences & Presentations:
Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, September 2024. Paper presentation: 'No Alarms and No Surprises: A Modern History of the One-Act Feature Film.'
Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, September 2024. Panel moderation: 'Creative Play Working Group Live Session' with Ben Broomfield (University of Lincoln), Dr Deborah Klika (University of Greenwhich) and Dr Eleanor Yule (Liverpool John Moores).
Times In-Between Conference and Film Festival: Barriers, Borders, and Boundaries in Short Film Forms, Gorizia, Italy, July 2024. British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS). Paper & Short Film Presentation: 'Self-Shooting the Humanist Documentary.'
Screenwriting Research Network Working Group on Comparative Screenwriting Teaching. Seminar [online]: 'Moving Away from the Monoplot: Teaching Unconventional Narrative Structures.' Feb 26th 2024.
Screenwriting Research Network Working Group on Creative Play. Seminar [online]: 'Creating a Consecutive Stories Narrative.' Nov 8th 2023.
Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Stephens College, Columbia, MIssouri, September 2023. Video essay presentation: ‘Writing the Cine-Poetic: an Analysis of Screenwriting Technique in the Cinema of Lynne Ramsay.’
Hard Cases study group, Antonio Meneghetti College, Recanto Maestro, Brazil. Film presentation and discussion [online]: 'Themes & Processes for Humanitarian Documentary Filmmaking.' April 24th 2023.
AR@K23 Symposium, Kristiania University College, Oslo, Norway, March 2023. Video essay presentation: ‘Experimental Screenwriting: the Importance of Breaking the Rules.’
Screenwriting Research Network Conference, University of Vienna, September 2022. Video essay presentation: ‘Reimagining the First Act: Hou Hsiao-Hsien and the Languorous Cinema of Place.’
Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities Global Connects, July 2022. Panel moderation: 'Global Film Industry, International Cultural Heritage and Public Engagement', with guests from UNESCO Cities of Film.
Screenwriting Research Network Conference, Oxford Brookes University, September 2021. Paper presentation: ‘Meaning Creation and Unconventional Narrative Structures in the Screenplay.’
AR@K20 Symposium, Kristiania University College, Oslo, Norway, March 2020. Paper presentation: ‘Challenging Brand Hollywood: Unconventional Narrative Structure as a form of Culture Jamming.’
CARTA Summer School 2020, CQUniversity, Noosa, Australia, February 2020. Participant.